Thursday, November 25, 2010

Having a Son. Like having a dog that talks!

So lately I've been trying to put in a little quality Dad/Son time with Tristan. I'm really not sue what this means. Just that I've been purposely doing stuff just with him.

Having an older brother their were a great deal of things that apparently, according to Samantha, that I was not exposed to.

Unfortunately their are some items that my son is exposed to with an older sister.

A week or two ago we kicked out mom, sis and Kor boy to hang out just us. We watched a "guy" movie (for the life of me I can't remember what we watched). We ate pizza and drank kool-aid on the living room floor (this was a big secret... that is till mom came home and he spilled his guts). We wrestled. We just had fun!

Once the movie was over I gave Tristan A choice on ANYTHING he wanted to do.

He said, "Play with Dolls!"


It wasn't that he said it, it was that he was ULTRA excitted to play with them.

No stinkin' way!

Now granted during my sickly years and the numerous hospital stays, I to had a doll. It was a "My Buddy" doll. That was a boy doll. Heck it was basically like one of the stuffed animals, like my monkey... named "Pete"... it was just part of the gang.

Tristan wanted to dress the dolls, comb their hair and then dress them again.


I managed to talk him out of it.

Instead, I gently nudged him to the mulititude of cars that I've bought him.

We crashed the cars, we raced the cars, and we even fixed the cars.

That was MANLY! That was cool! That's what BOYS do!

Sadly I'm still haunted by the doll request.

Everything inside of me weeps for my oldest son. Having a big sister is like kissing the ugly girl on the bus. It leads to a lot of regretful things and could get a lot of people talking about you... for all the wrong reasons.

Poor kid.

Tristan has truly led to a lot of humor in our lives lately.

Kinda like the Brad Paisley song that's out right now..."Anything Like Me"

For example... the other day we're trying to leave, I grab a piece of halloween candy and shoved it in my mouth.

Aundrea asked Samantha, "Why's daddy eating Candy?"

Samantha responded, "Cause he wants to get fat!" (Can you believe my wife would say that!)

Tristan immediately responds, "Like you momma?!"


The past 2 months have been full of humor like this!

The other side of Tristan is his persistency to live and do his own thing.

For examply when it's time to get ready to go he's 100% of the time the last one to the van!

When it's time to pick up toy's he's the first one to find something else to do!

When someone is in trouble he's usually the last person to confess!

When it's time to eat he's typically the first one done!

When it's time to go potty, everyone is made aware of what's on his mind!

Koren had better not be a "Tristan" round 2.

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