~Visiting Koren in the Hospital~

Of Course these two were there! Mom and Dad finally got to see a grandbaby just a few minutes old! This one was taken on the second day.

Cousin Matias checks out this stuff! He was very handsy! Who could blame him, that little guy looks like he needs to be played with!

Uncle Christopher gets in on the holding action.

Aunt Rebeca has had a little bit of practice this past year at holding a baby!

Aunt Cheri came out from the Cities to check up on the latest nephew, and providing sitting services for the oldest two.

No doubt it's been an eventful 6 days for us!
Life is slowly or at least attempting to find a little bit of normalcy... we think!
Isn't normal being up at odd hours of the night to the sound of a hungry baby? If it is then we're normal as we can be!
Koren right now is up 4-5 times. Which maybe we shouldn't complain! He usually decides that bed time is the perfect time to start his 1-2 hours of multiple eatings. This is about the time I kick off and Samantha gets upset!
Aundrea and Tristan are still happy we're home.
I've gotten a little dramatic with their nap schedule in an attempt to get them caught up with sleep. They were out tonight at 7:30. It'll be a good night sleep but will more than likely mean an early morning from Tristan.
Part of their early sleep was their behavior this evening. The rode along to my class tonight with the intent that they'd just be sitting still with one of the fifteen things we packed for them.
That's not exactly what they did!
I'm dissapointed not because they weren't perfect but more because they were SO bad. I'm pretty sure I had poop and pee on my hands for most of two hours.
When we arrived home, they were both confined to their beds, and imagine that, they both fell asleep within minutes of laying down.
We'll figure them out!
Koren has been pretty quiet in comparison to how he entered the world last Friday. Mainly crying when he's hungry... he also is quite the jabberer in his sleep, which is more funny than anything!
Samantha has experienced a few different symptoms stemming from this pregnancy. Some things she's watching and hopefully won't require much more than time to correct.
I've been busy continuing with the apartment. It's been difficult to keep up with the mess and laundry... on top of trying to figure out where things still need to be put away at!
All part of the joys of a growing family! The two weeks off is a big help!
A garage sale will be a part of our weekend plans. We've sensed the need to downsize since we left Ellendale. However timing and location were distractions from folloing through with our intentions. Hopefully we can get rid of some of our bigger ticket items.
That mainly will help set us up to make a move next summer, should something happen on that front. Hopefully we're flexible enough and find just the right thing!
1 comment:
So did any of the other students in your class tell you to "control your kids"????? I would have :-) Sound familiar??
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