All of the things we've done, between moving, preping to have a baby, work, classes, baseball 4x a week I have found that I haven't had a great deal of time to just spend it with my kids.
Tonight I changed that, if only temporarily.
Aundrea has really been activing out lately, mainly I feel, becuase I haven't been able to give her the attention she needs. Tristan has been more in a haze as he's not really understanding the move, or having the baby.
Tonight was all about them. I took them over to the Theatre for a showing of the "Dispicable Me". We bought pop, popcorn and two candy bars, all treats that they get very rarely.
The movie was ok, funny at times. But ultimately the kids enjoyed it! Which made it worth it. After that we went shoping at Wal-Mart mainly for a dog poop picker-upper and clippers for Tristans hair... not sure that those two are even closely connected!
It was such a great time for the four of us. I say four, because Samantha spent the night at home relaxing. Although she seemed to be a little more tense when we returned... maybe the baby is getting close!
It's so vital for me to spend time with the kids. Which every dad knows, it just seems like at stages I have a difficult time following through. I'd like to do a better job of that this fall and winter.
Aundrea told me tonight that she wants me to stay home now and not work. Pretty simple when a 4 year old understands the need to have daddy around. It's probably one of the best things Aundie has said to me. I know she desires my attention/affection.
Tristan has opened up to me a lot more in the last 2-3 months. He's still his momma's boy, but he's realized that dad can be a lot of fun to! That's gotten to be pretty cool. He's a pleaser more than his sister, he loves to be told that he's doing a good job or that he's a good boy!
It's difficult for me to imagine that #3 is only about +/- 36 hours away. On one hand I love Samantha and the kids more than anything on this planet, to imagine opening that up for one more child is difficult, makes me wonder if it's possible to open up that much more, yet I know that nothing will replace the feeling that I'll have when I see this baby for the first time.
The birth of Aundrea and Tristan has been to date the most EMOTIONAL experience in my life. Marrying Samantha was emotional, but much more excitting than anything! I can already feel myself slipping into that same set of emotions with this child. To imagine being able to call this life by his/her name for the first time is just absolutely incredible!
I'm having a difficult time just containing myself right now.

Aundrea in the pool this summer! It provided a chance to cool off and a chance to have FUN!

He may be freezing, but he's not coming out!
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