Saturday, March 27, 2010

Donogb or Aoife

We're now entering week 14 of the pregnancy.

Samantha has a little more stable stomach... and we're starting to adjust to the idea of being parent's of three, if only slightly!

This being the third pregnancy I hope that I am at least slightly more accustomed to the up's and down's during the 40 weeks of waiting.

Waiting for the birth of your child is one of the most taxing ideas God ever came up with. It's like knowing the Tiger's are going to win the Pennant in '10 but still having to play out the season to get there! Ok, it's a little different than that!

One of the most challenging items non-medical items during that time is trying to decide what to name your child! Samantha and I have been on the same page for both of our first two, yet have found the decision process to be more difficult each time.

We live by a few rules: we must select a first name that is somewhat unique and the middle name is to represent someone in our line.

Aundrea was a variation of Andrea that I've always liked. Marlene was in honor of Samantha's Mom and her Grandma Moon. We had this middle name picked before we had even tied the knot. This was our only choice for a girls name as it just worked!

Tristan's name was a late pregnancy decision that came from a baby name book (not "Legends of the Fall"). His middle name, Lloyd, is my Grandpa's middle name and Great Grandpa's first name. It to was preselected. The challenge was really to find a first name that fit. I believe when I said "Tristan" to Samantha her immediate response was "That's IT!" No question's asked... we were locked in!

This child is proving to be a little more challenging. We have a few ideas, although we won't be sharing them until after the baby's born. The problem is that we have SO few idea's and neither of us are sold completely.

Today I cruised the internet for baby names. I typically like to cruise the Celtic names as they often seem to ring with me. Samantha is a little more hit and miss, she starts at "A" then jumps to "J" and so on.

During my cruising I ran across Donogb and Aoife. I guess they're a "little" unusual! One is for a boy and the other for a girl... can you determine which is for whom?

The search will continue and no doubt that by September 20 or so we will have a name selected!

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