Oh joy.
It's currently a positive 2 degrees outside, with a wind chill of -19. Perhaps this shouldn't come as a surprise. But one thing is for sure.... it's cold. Eh, in another couple of weeks Dad and I could be getting out the bikes cause it's 65 degrees... we get some bizarre weather!
We grew used to the cold winter in North Dakota, where without question it's colder there than it has ever been for us in Gillette, Wyoming. In a way the cold was just something you planned for, never happy about it, but always at least somewhat proud of your ability to withstand the sub-zero. I wore it like a badge of honor. I still brag that the coldest day we had was January 28, 2008. The same day Tristan was born. It was miserable (like -65). So cold they were having a tough time keeping the hospital warm enough. I think at one point our room was like 63 degrees... they tend to try and keep them at 70.
We returned a day later from our Minnesota trip... we ended up spending the night in Aberdeen, South Dakota. We have many memories from Aberdeen. It was the nearest town to buy groceries, go on dates and "find something to do".
We found ourselves driving the 4 1/2 hours, broken up by an extended stop in Ellendale to have lunch with our friend, Ricky, from the college. By the time we reached Aberdeen it was close to 3 and we were both not looking forward to the drive that was left.
We thoroughly enjoyed our time with Samantha's family. It's been about 7 months since Samantha and the kids were back there and about 18 months since we were all there together. Much has changed since we were all there. For starter's, Samantha's folks have for the most part sold off all of their cattle. A disappointment for me probably more than anyone. They have been replaced by several massive gardens. A ploy they hope turns into a successful strawberry business.
Samantha's closest brother Josh and his wife now own a home that they had built in St. Cloud. It's a very nice split level. A house that would probably cost double had it been built in Gillette. Her sister Cheri and her husband have moved south of the cities. Her husband has just a year or so left in college. We were surprised to hear that they're considering an eight month internship in Thailand.
Melanie, her youngest sister, returned from a three week stay in Africa. To us, she's by far changed the most. The impact of the trip continues to leave it's mark. I to felt this way in returning from shorter trips in Belize and Peru. She's planning a Brazil excursion in a year and a half. I've long said that Melanie is VERY similar to Samantha in more ways than they both want to admit!
Jacob, the middle brother also surprised us in many ways. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to his first semester College adventures. One thing is certain... his fist semester is better than mine was! He's in a flying/dusting program with his college. He did enough flying this past semester that he was able to do his first solo flight late in the semester. I was thoroughly impressed with the knowledge he's gained about flying. This is also a kid that has NEVER flown prior to going to college. Unbelievable. He should have his pilot's license by the end of this coming semester.
Little Ben isn't quite so little. We got to see him in October. He's pretty funny still but ultimately he's great for his niece and nephew. The kids love to spend time with him and ultimately enjoy the fact that he usually finds fun stuff for them to play with. He's become a Star Wars geek. Which is fine with me! We bought him the original trilogy for Christmas. He's never seen them and really enjoyed watching "A New Hope" for the first time. In fact, that is the only time I can ever remember him not moving for at least 90 minutes.
The trip was a lot of fun for us all! Ultimately it's good for the kids to be around family!
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