Of all the things that I have done in life, perhaps the best has been the time spent with Samantha! We met while at Trinity Bible College. All together we began dating over 5 years ago and were married around a year into our relationship! We moved quick! I guess when you know what you want, you go for it and don't look back!
I guess growing up I always thought the perfect age to get married was 21 and having kids in my 30's would be great! Well, we were married at 22 and managed our first child at 23 and I'm not complaining! Aundrea has indeed softened my heart and has been a blessing to our lives! I guess many thought we were nuts at the time we were pregnant with Aundie... and that was only compounded when a mere 8 months later we were expecting Tristan. Both have proven to us that life wasn't meant to be easy but it was meant to be fun, as long as that's your expectation in life!
Now that we've been married for four+ years and our children are both basically in the toddler stage neither of us believe that we "have it all figured out" but I think we're both pretty proud of what we've accomplished!
For starters, Samantha has been a full time mom every day of Aundrea's life, something we've committed to from day one, but have gotten close to straying from on various occasions... but ultimately our decision has been reaffirmed on various occasions in various ways!

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I am often surprised at the changes life has provided. At 20, when I left Michigan, I never expected my next move to encompass a wife and children... things of that nature are difficult to imagine! Yet nothing on this earth has given more of a sense of pride and joy than my wife and children!
I'm not sure what it is about society today that has allowed us (as men) not to have the desire to express certain things in life... except where we're expected to. Dad and I were have this conversation a few months ago... I believe he finds humor in my ability to talk about such things that most "men" find uncomfortable. I actually credit him for that indirectly, he's always been encouraging of my brother and I to try new things and experience life outside of his own experience. He encouraged me to leave Michigan for college and has always shown great pride in my choice in a wife. That's pretty cool when things of that nature happen!
Even more so, my parent's have always attempted to support my ambitions. Not to say they are ever initially supportive... I guess that's to a degree a part of their personality (and every parent's personality... some express it more than others)... yet both warm up to ideas and both have attempted to allow us to sink or swim. To some degree my parent's approach is somewhat unique for them. Neither of them are overly open minded in areas such as politics, religion or personal convictions. A fact that I don't always agree with, yet try to respect!
I guess what I am trying to say is that I don't understand the perspective of other guys unwillingness to talk openly. I hope I never do!

I'll give you another example. Yesterday a coworker and I were discussing scrap booking. I know, I know... SCRAPING! Wow, I guess I should feel less man-ly for even discussing it! But guess what, Samantha loves it! To her cutting pictures and designing pages is the most fun a mom can have by herself so I guess I've been trying to understand it and find enjoyment in her work as well. I have actually done more research in to scrappin' tool's than "the average bear" and I'd feel pretty comfortable walking into ANY store to look at what they carry in their scrap booking department. I also believe that I could look through the selection and pick out items that Samantha would enjoy to use and would benefit her work. A few days ago Samantha and I actually got into a heated debate about the how a certain type of book goes together and could be added to! Honestly, I won the debate (although I think she feels that she won as well!).
For my coworker, I think she was just dismayed at the time I've spent researching a few items... and also some of the knowledge I have on my wife's needs/wants for the hobby. She asked me to speak with her husband regarding Christmas! Sure, why not! For Samantha I have some pretty cool things on the horizon... some that she won't expect... that I am still bursting with enthusiasm over!
I think this desire of mine to appreciate what Samantha enjoys actually started with Samantha. When we got married, Samantha knew I had an unshaken loyalty to the Tigers. Within a year her loyalty for the Tigers was growing rapidly! So much so that to be honest she was the driving force of us getting the baseball package on our TV this past year. She followed intently throughout the season. So much so that when dad and I left to pick up his bike in Chicago that Samantha would call with updates on the games... she would even watch the Chi Sox and Twins games to report on their progress! This floored dad! Samantha was educated enough to discuss players, their performance at a position and their approach at the plate. A husbands DREAM! Sadly, when the Tigers dropped game 163 to the Twins our combined attitude for the next 24 hours was somewhere between really angry and really annoyed!
Samantha has also been extremely supportive in my other ventures, including the motorcycle and my passion to coach! In each she has actively taken an interest in my interest! So I find it only appropriate that I return the favor! It's only natural!
I'm out... time to go eat nacho's with jalapeno's and watch a Rocky movie in my underwear!
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