I'm still sick... going on 10 days now... "hack, hack, cough, cough" it's getting old.
This Friday night is scheduled to be fairly quiet, which is a relief for me! Eat pizza, converse with Samantha, play with the kids, and watch the Tiger's make that magic number go from nine to eight!
Tonight will absolutely be a change from last weeks Friday. Last week we played host to a friend of our friends, I guess that would now make him our friend!
I originally met Michael in Phoenix, Arizona while on a little trip with Eric Slivoskey, the Head Football Coach I worked with at Trinity.
Michael decided to take a road trip and visit numerous sites like National Parks and Monuments scattered across Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and South Dakota. It was definitely an ambitious trip and well worth it considering all the pictures and memories that could be made!
We really enjoyed Michael's company and conversation! Saturday I joined him for part of his adventure by traveling with him to Deadwood, South Dakota and Devil's Tower! It was a lot of fun!
Mike's perspective on life both spiritually and scientifically vary greatly from my own but I found myself particularly intrigued with our conversation. Mike majored in Anthropology in College at ASU. I majored in Physical Education at TBC. Needless to say Trinity didn't offer many (any) courses in Anthropology so I had a good many of questions for him! Basically he does believe that God created or was the cause of our creation and that there indeed was an evolutionary process. To some degree he believes that our own process looked something similar to this...

Interesting. My view is that evolution probably looks a little more like this...

Who can argue with forward thinking like that!
So although Mike and I are at odds on our creation I did enjoy learning his perspective! It's nice to hear how someone else thinks instead of simply agreeing with people of like beliefs. It challenges my faith and belief! AND IT SHOULD! For me, life requires faith. I define faith as believing in something that is deemed completely and utterly IMPOSSIBLE!
Often as "Christians" there is an impossible line of rhetoric that is spoken but not always capable of being backed up with proper knowledge and thought. I have really struggled with many of these points in my last few years and although my faith in a loving caring God who sent His Son to be sacrificed remains unshaken, my belief in humanity has indeed been rocked.
Although I believe that to be positive! Is it that my faith was rooted in words spoken by men? Or was it grounded in faith? Michael left me thinking heavily on these issues in my own personal life. Issues that I have failed to address but sought answers from various individuals... again... failure!
Thanks Mike for some enlightening thoughts and being so open with your own thoughts! It's all about faith and faith is often difficult to understand... at least for me! Eventually you'll recognize how crappy this new health care deal is and then... you'll be able to call yourself a conservative like the rest of the sane world (mainly me and Glen Beck)!
Hey, Brandon. I'm glad you found our conversations interesting. As did I! Also, thank you again for having me. By the way, I never said you were a chimp, just that you and a chimp share a common ancestor. lol! But you truly are a great ape!
Thanks for coming up! Hopefully we get down that direction in the next year or two!
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