Samantha and I have held the news of this pregnancy a secret far long than previous children, she is currently around four months along and due in late May 2012. We're excitted about our family expanding in a few months. We chose to keep it quiet and surprise the grandparents for christmas. Needless to say both are excited!
Like our previous two we have not found out the sex of this child, it will be a wonderful surprise!
Aundrea has been aware of the pregnancy since October and has been a wonderful keeper of our secret. Tristan found out about 10 days ago and is very excited about being the oldest middle child instead of just being the middle child!
Hope everyone had a great Christmas and enjoy a happy new year!
We've enjoyed a visit from Christopher and Rebeca and the opportunity to see Matias and Marcos (for the first time!) mom and dad had a wonderful surprise!
We'll miss seeing additional family members this year, like eating my mother-in-law's christmas goodies (except lutefisk) or chowing down at Grandma Markels, but this christmas has shown it's own joys and excitment!
Aundrea is a busy five year old. She's dancing at a studio here in Gillette and is also dancing with a church group. It has been a highlight to watch her perform regularly! She is also half through her first year of pre-school. She's expanded her social skills and will often share stories (with me, much to Samantha's dismay!) of her exploits at pre-school.
Tristan is growing up quickly. I find it difficult to imagine that he'll be four in just a few weeks. He's been exploring the world and is shocked with the world around him. He enjoys driving his car from great-grandpa and great-grandma Strong and batting in grandpa and grandma's back yard. He's also very interested in anything with wheels, like trains and hotwheels.
Koren, has changed a great deal this past year. He's been walking for several months and is now climbing on and over everything! He's learning to play with his siblings... or learning to make them mad! It has been a joy watching him continue to develop. Even more is watching his brother and sister grow and mature as they learn to deal with their little brother!
Samantha has kept her status as great wife for another year. She's had to add delivery driver to her many titles this year as the kids are slowly becoming involved in more things in the community. She's following in her mom and grandmother's footsteps with cake decorating. In the rare few moments she get's to herself is spent scrapbooking, although that time seems to be fleeting.
I'm doing just fine. I am finding a great deal of enjoyment in my teaching position this year. I have found new ways to challenge myself and students and I am looking forward to the new year and additional challenges. My master's program was completed in April. I am currently in a holding pattern for the next level.
Our families highlights this past year primarily are centered around our summer travels. We had the opportunity to see family and friends and visit 21 States in just 30 days. We couldn't have asked for a better excuse for getting out of Gillette!
This next year is going to be fun as well. We ask only for the safety of Samantha and our child during this pregnancy.