Sunday, November 28, 2010

Recaping the Thanksgiving Weekend


The perfect Holiday! Food football and four days off!

Hard to imagine that it's all coming to an end tonight!

Just thought I'd sum up what we did!

Thursday we went to my folks. We at mainly soup and other snacks. It was a good time had by all. The football wasn't all that great. It's no fun watching the Lions get drubbed year in and year out. It is fun to watch the 'boys get beat on their own mistakes.

Thursday at 6ish Samantha, Koren and I, took off for Rapid City, SD. I had earned a free night in a motel through Wyndham and took advantage of it. It's always nice to spend the night in a motel and not have to pay for it.

Our mission was "Black Friday" shopping! We slept a few hours then woke up at about 2. First we went to Kohls for their 3 AM opening, then Menards for their 6 AM opening, with McDonalds breakfast squeezed in between.

I enjoyed the experience! No guarantee I will do it next year, but I would do it in the future!

Saturday was our "real" Thanksgiving Celebration. We had Turkey and the like. It was pretty good!

My mom's friend and husband (Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Loren) joined us from Colorado Springs. It was good seeing them as it's been a few years!

Sunday was back to a lazy day. We didn't do a whole lot! Just tried to recover from the first three days!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Having a Son. Like having a dog that talks!

So lately I've been trying to put in a little quality Dad/Son time with Tristan. I'm really not sue what this means. Just that I've been purposely doing stuff just with him.

Having an older brother their were a great deal of things that apparently, according to Samantha, that I was not exposed to.

Unfortunately their are some items that my son is exposed to with an older sister.

A week or two ago we kicked out mom, sis and Kor boy to hang out just us. We watched a "guy" movie (for the life of me I can't remember what we watched). We ate pizza and drank kool-aid on the living room floor (this was a big secret... that is till mom came home and he spilled his guts). We wrestled. We just had fun!

Once the movie was over I gave Tristan A choice on ANYTHING he wanted to do.

He said, "Play with Dolls!"


It wasn't that he said it, it was that he was ULTRA excitted to play with them.

No stinkin' way!

Now granted during my sickly years and the numerous hospital stays, I to had a doll. It was a "My Buddy" doll. That was a boy doll. Heck it was basically like one of the stuffed animals, like my monkey... named "Pete"... it was just part of the gang.

Tristan wanted to dress the dolls, comb their hair and then dress them again.


I managed to talk him out of it.

Instead, I gently nudged him to the mulititude of cars that I've bought him.

We crashed the cars, we raced the cars, and we even fixed the cars.

That was MANLY! That was cool! That's what BOYS do!

Sadly I'm still haunted by the doll request.

Everything inside of me weeps for my oldest son. Having a big sister is like kissing the ugly girl on the bus. It leads to a lot of regretful things and could get a lot of people talking about you... for all the wrong reasons.

Poor kid.

Tristan has truly led to a lot of humor in our lives lately.

Kinda like the Brad Paisley song that's out right now..."Anything Like Me"

For example... the other day we're trying to leave, I grab a piece of halloween candy and shoved it in my mouth.

Aundrea asked Samantha, "Why's daddy eating Candy?"

Samantha responded, "Cause he wants to get fat!" (Can you believe my wife would say that!)

Tristan immediately responds, "Like you momma?!"


The past 2 months have been full of humor like this!

The other side of Tristan is his persistency to live and do his own thing.

For examply when it's time to get ready to go he's 100% of the time the last one to the van!

When it's time to pick up toy's he's the first one to find something else to do!

When someone is in trouble he's usually the last person to confess!

When it's time to eat he's typically the first one done!

When it's time to go potty, everyone is made aware of what's on his mind!

Koren had better not be a "Tristan" round 2.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Making the most of it...

I hate being sick.

There is perhaps one thing I hate worse... when everyone around me is sick.

Not really sure which one of us got this bug going. I just know that we're passing it around pretty good.

All five of us have some type of either flu or respiratory bug.

We've been battling the bug for over a week now. It seems like things just aren't going our way right now!

Koren seems to be the least effected thus far. THANK GOODNESS!

Samantha is struggling the worst right now. She's not getting a lot of sleep should it be one kid or the another. She needs a break and soon. She's getting to be a pretty tough nut. Surprising the changes we've undergone in just over 4 years since we had Aundrea to now her being able to interpret cries, whimpers and sometimes even looks.

Aundrea just started ice skating classes. The local rec center offer's the class. It was $45 for 12 classes, plus 6 free passes for her to practice on her own. We thought that was pretty reasonable. We even purchased her own ice skates! More will surely follow on our experience in the ice!

Tristan is absolutely been a bugger lately. He might be the slowest kid I've met when he needs to get from "point a" to "point b". For instance, going from our apartment to the car seems to be a five minute process. Especially after he's explored every corner, crack and door. I've proud of him all the same! He's definitely my son!

Kor boy is also challenging us in new ways. He's different than his siblings. But it's been pretty neat having an infant around the house. It's gruesome at how quickly you forget how tough it can be with a baby. I know that I'll miss it when we're done having kids. We've decided that having three kids isn't a complete "bang your head against the wall" it's just close to it!

I've been busy with work and my internship. It's a long process to get the MA wrapped up. I'm considering resigning from the Roughrider's. It's been a lot of fun, but has demanded a great deal of my time year round. Time that could be spent with the kids or completing one of the main things I came to Gillette in the first place. There have been a few other glitches that have led me to believe it would be the right thing to do as well. I hope to have a decision made by the end of the week.

Finally, we're really beginning to wrap our heads around a move late next summer. We've already put a few plans in motion. We'll see how that all turns out.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Getting caught up in the election.

What a silly night.

Elections never seem to amaze me. The news coverage is almost commical! The commentators just LOVE to call each race. Sometimes the race is as little as 1% reporting for them to call the race.

I disagree with this approach.

Read a few blogs tonight about how for some news reporters actually view this as their Superbowl. Many newspapers throw "Election Party's" which include, according to this blog, "large quantities of adult beverages". Hmmm... coffee and tea?

Not sure that all this news is really excitting.

I do know that I've gotten a little bit into the Wyoming Governors race. Haven't you heard it on CNN? It's a BIG deal! Yeah right.

Most all Wyoming races mean diddly squat in the grand scheme of things. I mean, we are one of only 3/4 states that have fewer Representatives than Senators. Yes, I've now voted in two states where that has rung true!

Samantha and I have been debating the Gov's race though. We basically had a Republican, a Democrat, a Libertarian, and a write-in.

We both chose the write in, Taylor Haynes. Haynes started as an engineer, then went back to school where he became a Urologist. After retiring he became a cattle rancher in Southern Wyoming. He currently heavily involved in agriculture and sits on the Board of Regents for the University of Wyoming.

There was a big push for him in Campbell County and sorrounding areas. He's a good dude and a BLACK rancher... doesn't get much cooler than that. Unfortunately, he's lost. Not a big shocker!

The other election that is of concern for me and many of my coworkers is the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. That race consisted of a Republican: Cindy Hill and a Democrat: Mike Massey. Cindy Hill was a short term Assistant Principal that got fired last year. Massey doesn't have an education background but did chair the education committee.

I chose Massey. I've just heard way to many negative things about Hill. Dissapointing. She just outspent everybody else in the primary. Doesn't mean I can vote for her.

Talked to a fellow teacher today that was completely ticked about how conservatitive Campbell County is. He complained that no one votes for a Dem. I tend to disagree. Oh yeah... he went one ticket and refused to vote in the 2 elections that didn't have a dem. Wow.

Overall, no real surprises on the results tonight. People are ticked at Obama. Maybe they don't like policy, the way he talks, or the dog he picked out for his kids. Who cares either way it's a tough deal. It doesn't mean that next week the economy is going to shoot through the roof. It definitely doesn't mean that health care will get fixed. (On that note... was health care good before "Obamacare?"... NO. Will it be good under "Obamacare?" NO!) We tend to make problems out of problems. RED or BLUE.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Growing weary of the shinanigans.

Ok so all the shinanigans are enough.

Yes... I use "Shinanigans" not as in the place you go and eat, but the same kind of Shinanigans on "Super Troopers".

I have switched my football allegiances about a year ago from the Lions to the Vikings.

The move made sense.

Samantha grew up a Vikes fan.

She adopted the Tigers... I better return the favor.

Oh yeah... and the Lions stunk for forever.

Now however it looks like I've made a pretty bad decision.

Brett can't keep his Blackberry North of his Wrangler waistline.

They can't seem to win.

One of their best players is hurt... better yet, a lot of their players are hurt.

They decided to bring Randy Moss back in the equations.

They're 2-5.

Brett can't keep from injuring something every time he gets on the field.

Today they deleted Randy Moss from their roster. (This was probably a good move... but doesn't do much for continuity)

The defense can't seem to stop anybody when it should be top 5 in the League.

I don't know what to think. Right now I'd be a safe bet to think that the Lions will finish with a better record.

We'll see.